The Nominations and Leadership Development Team is currently seeking names of BRFUMC members who are interested in serving on the Leadership Team. The term is from January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2026. If you are interested, please click HERE or stop by the Information Center outside the church office and pick up an Interest Survey. If you have questions about the Leadership Team, please reach out to Larisa Draves (Chair), Barbara Ross (Lay Leader), or Pastor Jeremy.
ministry expense approval
All non-regular ministry expenses must be approved by the Pastor PRIOR to purchase.
Please complete the Ministry Expense Approval Form by clicking HERE.
Building Use
To schedule an activity at First Church please complete a “Facilities Usage Request” form by clicking HERE.
You will be directed to a new page to complete the form.
Maintenance Work Request
To request maintenance, repair work, room arrangements, etc... please complete and submit the
Maintenance Request Form by clicking HERE. You will be directed to a new page to complete the form.
VOlunteer background check
All volunteers that work with children and vulnerable adults MUST complete and pass a background check.
Click HERE to download and print the form. The completed and signed form must be submitted to the church office.