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From the Pastor - June 2023


Grace and peace to you, in the name of our Redeemer, Jesus the Christ. Today I am filled with gratitude and thanksgiving, as I’ve been appointed by the Bishop to another year of service at First Church - I get to be your pastor for another year! As your pastor, it has been my honor and privilege to walk alongside you on this journey. I am humbled by the trust you have placed in me, allowing me to shepherd and guide you in matters of faith. Your support has been a constant source of strength, encouraging me to press on through both triumphs and trials. Reflecting on the past year, I am moved by the countless ways I have witnessed your faith and love in action. Together, we have celebrated victories, comforted one another in times of sorrow, and strengthened the bonds of our community. Your commitment to prayer, worship, and service has been a beacon of hope, inspiring others and transforming lives in our midst. I am particularly grateful for the deep sense of unity that permeates our congregation. Your eagerness to extend grace, forgiveness, and understanding to one another has cultivated an environment where people can truly experience the love of Christ. It is through your genuine care for each other that our church family has flourished, nurturing an atmosphere of warmth, acceptance, and belonging. I want to express my profound appreciation for the dedicated volunteers and staff who selflessly give their time and talents to various ministries within our church. Your commitment to serve has ensured that our worship services, outreach initiatives, and educational programs continue to bear fruit. Your sacrifice and willingness to go above and beyond have not gone unnoticed, and I am eternally grateful for your invaluable contributions.

To my stretcher-bearers - the first ones who sincerely and lovingly remind me to take a break and breathe, and then help clean up the messes I make - thank you, from the bottom of my heart. As we embark on another year of service together, I am filled with hope and excitement for what lies ahead. I am confident that God has great things in store for our church and community, and I eagerly anticipate our continued growth and transformation. Once again, I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your steadfast love, support, and the countless ways in which you have blessed my life. It is a privilege to serve as your pastor, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this remarkable community. May God the Creator continue to pour out Their abundant blessings upon you and your family. May the Spirit guide and empower us as we journey together in faith.

May the love of Christ continue to shine brightly through us, touching the lives of all those we encounter. With appreciation and love,

Pastor Jeremy

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